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über Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information von Chess Daily News am 31.12.12
By Lubomir Kavalek
Monday, December 21, 2009; 10:10 AM
Vasily Smyslov, 88, became the world chess champion in 1957, defeating Mikhail Botvinnik. Aside from having a great career as a practical player, Smyslov also produced more than 100 endgame studies, the most of any world champion. In his teens he tried his hand at composing problems. In 1935, at age 14, Smyslov created the following (above) problem (White: Kf8, Qa8, P:c4,d3,e3,g4; Black: Kf6,Nf1,P:a7,c5,e6,f7,g5) in which white mates in three moves.
Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com
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