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Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

Hikaru Nakamura Loses in Online Blitz game vs GM Simonian (2011 ICC Chess Ch...


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via Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information von Online Chess am 24.06.11

By Chess Tutor William Stewart

For the original article and PGN on how Hikaru Nakamura loses in Online Blitz please visit William's website.

Hikaru Nakamura rarely loses in online blitz, especially in a championship and especially during the finals so I found this game to be highly interesting. Hikaru Nakamura loses the blitz game after only 24 moves, playing an unusually weak game after he failed to see the the positional gain of a pawn sack by Simonian.

Watch Hikaru Nakamura lose to GM Grayr Simonian in the 2011 ICC Blitz Championship Finals

GM Grayr Simonian (EREBUNI) Vs GM Hikaru Nakamura (CapilanoBridge) - ICC Blitz Open (June 3-5, 2011) - Simonian opens with e4 and Nakamura responds with an offbeat variation involving the fianchetto of his queenside bishop. He attempts to create counterplay by attacking white's center from the side with 4. ...Bb4, however Simonian's 7. 0-0! sacrifices a pawn to powerfully seize the initiative. After 13. d5! white is able to break open the center and get to black's king, which has been stuck in the middle due to his severe lack of development. 18. Bxf7+! forces black's king into the open, and 20. Rf3 essentially seals the deal for white. A very fine attacking game by Grayr Simonian, as it is very rare to see Nakamura lose in online blitz in 24 moves - especially during the finals.

For the original article on how Hikaru Nakamura loses in Online Blitz please visit William's website (includes PGN).

Chess daily news from Susan Polgar




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